Monday, April 13, 2009

Hello Friends!!!!

So sorry, but for a while I wasn't able to log on here! I have created a new blog, and I would love for anyone to stop by, comment, catch up! You can find me at:

I have missed you! 


Thursday, January 15, 2009


"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
I love this prayer. I know we have all seen some cheesey wall hanging with aforementioned prayer. But for "super worriers", for "why askers", for those in the valleys or the bottom of the mountain, this prayer can bring some peace. I wrestle with acceptance every day. We all have those things we can not change. Those un-changeables wake up next to us in bed. They cut you off in traffic. They treat us like they hate us. Those un-changeables keep coming in the mail. They haunt us. In the bath tub, or in the garden, thoughts of the un-changeables can bring you to tears. Sometimes those un-changeables make us feel badly about ourselves, or our lives. At worst, they cause us to get angry at God. We can ask God "why me?" all day long. We can worry until our stomachs hurt. We can cry in the tub until our eyeballs ache. We can get as angry as we want to. It doesn't change the un-changeables. It does no good. It is energy wasted. Energy that could be spent changing the things we can.
Lately, I have had to stop the belly aching and ask myself, "What can I change?" I have had to change the thoughts in my head. I have had to change my reactions and responses. I have had to change my routine. I have had to change what I read before bed...put the shelter magazines down and open my Bible. I have to do whatever I can. Sometimes when I think of him and start to worry myself sick, I have to ask God to take the thoughts- because I can't change this. When I think of those moments that I may never have again and my eyes well up with tears, I have to start telling God what I am thankful for. When the fear of what will be feels all-consuming, I have to remind myself that I was not created to have a spirit of fear. When I feel tempted to make those same stupid choices that always ended in painful situations, I have to remind myself that just because it isn't familiar doesn't mean that it won't be amazing. Its the "wisdom to know the difference part" that can be most tricky. I like to think I have way more control than I actually do. If there is anything that I should have learned from 2008, it should be just how much control I don't have! The serenity prayer does in fact bring serenity- and serenity can be so hard to achieve. It just takes some time and willingness.
Yesterday I asked my good friend Emily how I should get my hair done. I didn't ask just to get her opinion, I really wanted someone to tell me how to get it done. I caught myself, and told her this was an opportunity for me to decide something for myself. I am indecisive. Ridiculously indecisive. I can change that. I can start with a hair cut.
I guess what I am after here, is that it is okay to look at the world around us and see all the changes we want to take place. But what I have found most liberating, is looking inward and asking, "What can I change about myself?" At first it feels like compromising...why should I have to change? Eventually, it feels like the best thing to do. The only real change that can be created. And you know what? It is okay to change what you allow in your life. It is okay to change something that has helped you achieve ultimate "people pleaser" status. It is okay to change your partner. It is okay to change patterns and routines. It is okay to change your trusty shade of lipstick. It is okay to change your wardrobe. It is okay to change your diet. It is okay to change your thoughts. And most of all, it is okay to just say, "I can't change this," and ask God for help.
Serenity. I pray serenity for your life. Peace and serenity.

Monday, January 5, 2009

a year of beautification!

school starts up again on january 20th. and i went a did something absolutely nuts. i always wondered if i might be crazy. the closer the spring semester gets, the more i am sure of it! i signed up for a class to train for a 10k run. i know!!! what in the world was i thinking? among those loose screws, i was hoping to find a way to force myself to change my lifestyle. i do chase a super fast crawler. i re-arrange furniture. i haul laundry all over the house. i scrub toilets. but other than that, i live a pretty sedentary lifestyle. i used to run in high school (didn't we all?) and i really enjoyed it. i am hoping with my new healthy lifestyle, there might come a new healthy figure- but that's not my top priority. i need to make time to exercise! i have made a serious effort to be mindful of my eating- what, how much, how often, and why...and so far this year i have lost 3 pounds! (only about 27 more to go! lol) also, i signed up for a "weightlifting for women" class. i am excited about both of my classes! i will have to track my weight loss on a side bar or something...maybe even pictures. accountability is a good thing!

what does all of this mean? this means i have 15 days to tackle home projects!!! today i hung a chandelier in my dining room. i have soooo much more to do. for my birthday my good friend Emily gave me one of these:

these little notebooks are comprised of lined paper and also recycled vintage papers. the front cover of mine has a vintage ad for dishes! i am going in every room of my home and making my infamous lists in my new handy dandy notebook! (you can check out her store blog here.)

my sweet mamma bought me the kitchen aid mixer for Christmas!!! woohoo! i love love love it and have wanted one for a long time. my friend krysta and i used to joke that you had to get married to get one of those, and that if neither of us were married in five years we would purchase one for each other...turns out you don't have to get married.

so for me, 2009 is going to be "a year of beautification"- of my home and myself. i'm not talking get back into those skinny jeans beauty, i'm talking that deep, everlasting beauty that comes from the inside out. that kind God talks about in His word. as for my home, there are so many long overdue projects. its time to practice some self discipline and get things done around here!!!

so much hope for 2009...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

a new year around the corner!

My Dear Friends and Family,
First and foremost, I want to thank you all for your support throughout this last year. I absolutely mean it when I say I couldn't have made it without you. This has been a tough year, but I like to think of it as a "refining" process. I started this blog on January first, so my blog birthday is coming up! Where does the time go? It just flies right on by...
Times are hard everywhere, yet people are stronger than ever. I think these hard times can bring out the best in us, if we allow. I know God brings all things together for good. He promised, after all. I read somewhere lately, I think in one of Brooklyn's books, that the same God who fashioned the stars chose me, created me, loves me. I must have heard this a hundred times. But as I sat for the fourth hour in the backseat, holding my Brooklyn curled up asleep in my lap, I leaned my head on the window. I dared to look up at the brightest stars and remind myself that the same God that created the stars, created me. I smiled.
He created you, too. Pretty cool, if you ask me.
On January 1, 2009, you will notice some changes to my blog. I will omit some things, change some things, and go in a new direction. I'm thinking a more fun, light hearted, joyful, bright and balanced direction...for myself and for my blog. It is time for a new year. There is so much to look forward to! I know that 2009 is going to be far greater than I could have ever imagined it to be!
Thank you all, once again, for all your support, encouragement, advice, and love. I am so lucky to have you all in my life. I thank God for you. I thank God for fresh starts, new beginnings, clean slates, mercy and grace everlasting. I even thank Him for the refining process.

I will see you back here, next year!

Love Always,

Sunday, December 21, 2008

maybe its the fumes from cleaning products...

I should be in bed, but I stayed up late to watch sex in the city. I love all things New York City. I also love sisterhood. Some women have best friends, friends they have known since fourth grade, and I envy that. Honestly, I stink at intimate relationships with women. That's something I have been praying about.

My hands hurt from cleaning all day. I still have more to do. But it feels good to get some things accomplished, and to see things come together. I will be at it again tomorrow!

One of my all time favorite books is Captivating by John and Stacie (Stasi?) Eldridge. Anyway, it talks about the desires at the core of every woman, and one of those is to play a role in a grand adventure. Lately I have been wanting adventure, but the fun kind. I'm thinking I need to take a vacation! I used to go on one every year with my mom, she would let me tag along on her business trips. My all time favorite Christmas gift was a trip with my mom. No business, all fun. She took me to NYC and all we had to do was be together! It was amazing. I wouldn't have wanted to experience the city with anyone else. The Christmas displays were magical, all the store windows were works of art. It was cold, but not too cold, and we walked all over the place. It felt like we stuck out like a sore thumb, country girls in the big city. But you know, I think I could be a big city girl too. Maybe I'm a little of both- depending on the day.

That is what can be hard, having a baby while still so young. There are parts of yourself you have to learn about, things to discover, and having a baby doesn't speed that up. Instead, you are raising a little one and simultaneously figuring out who you are. I have moments when I wonder what it would be like to just take off and, experience, see and do. I think all mothers, no matter the age, wonder of that from time to time. I like being reminded that there is a whole big world out there, just waiting to be discovered. And even if it is just once a year with my mom, I get the chance to travel, experience, see and do.

So here's to future getaways, adventures, and sisterhood- all of which I can't wait to experience!

decking the halls!!!!

Christmas is fast approaching, and I do not have all my gifts purchased, and none of them wrapped! I know, its horrible!!!
Yesterday, my friend Brin posted about this quick, easy, inexpensive gift idea:

Brilliant! A no-knit scarf! I think its beautiful. If you go to Brin's blog (my absolute favorite blog in the whole wide world :o) you will find a link to Martha's instructions on how to make this pretty! Yesterday I made a trip to a locally owned yarn store Twist, bought a pretty bundle of dark grey yarn. I made two of these scarves while watching 48 hours mystery, so they really are a quick and easy project!

Folks, if you have a Hobby Lobby nearby- GO! I went to mine yesterday and everything that wasn't craft related (decor, mirrors, Christmas decorations, ornaments, frames, etc) was 50% off!!! I have been wanting some neutral stockings for my mantle, but I hadn't really find any at a good price. I found four stockings at half of, only $4.50 a piece! They had these big flashy sequins on them, so those had to come off. I tried to take a picture with my phone, very poor quality so I apologize, but you can see the before and after:
The one on the left still has its big gold sequins, I much prefer the simple quilted stocking on the right! I will have to take a picture of my mantle...
I am staying in all day. I have been cleaning and re-arranging and throwing out and Christmasing. I even ordered a pizza, not even for food will I leave this warm home on this bitter cold day. Charlie doesn't seem to mind. We'll be dancing to some Christmas music while I hurry about feathering this nest- a cup of peppermint mocha flavored coffee to drink. Tomorrow I will have to brave the cold and the procrastinators while I round up the last of my gifts. But today, today is for staying warm and enjoying home.
I hope you all are staying warm, and enjoying home.

Friday, December 19, 2008

tis better to give then to receive!!!

If santa still delivered presents to us big kids, these are the things I would ask him for! Its funny how, when someone asks what you want or need for Christmas you can never think of anything, but you sit down at the computer to do a little shopping and all kinds of things come to mind...

Here are a few items on my ever growing wish list. :o) Its just fun to imagine! (My mom is usually the only one who buys me anything for Christmas, and she really shouldn't- she does so much for me throughout the year.)

the complete series of gilmore girls! a great show for single mothers everywhere! several books, here are a few on my wish list:

i have wanted one of these bikes for a long time, can't decide if i want to go vintage or new...but it has to have a bell, white walls (or pink :o), high handle bars...

and of course, one of these on the front:
i recently smelled this perfume, of course they were out. but i loved it and i think santa might leave it in my stocking.

and then there is always one of my true loves, ANTHROPOLOGIE! the closest one is in kc, so i rarely get to go... and honestly the prices are way to high for me, but for the sake of dreaming...

i love love love this blue green dress!!
i have wanted a kitchen aid mixer for years! maybe i will pull a carrie, and register for "i'm single and not getting married!" gifts...(this one has the perfect amount of pink, and a portion of the proceeds go to breast cancer research)

and I will be needing some of these, because i'm going to take a weight lifting class, and maybe a cardio class, from my college in the spring. it is time my friends. it is time to start taking care of myself, and feeling healthy again!
it is fun to dream!